Top 3 questions to ask when choosing carpet underlay

Woman sitting on couch with dog sitting in front of her

When most people shop for carpet, they often don’t look past the surface. However, it’s what you can’t see that makes all the difference. Underlay is the thin, spongey foam material that sits beneath your carpet to make it more comfortable, supportive, and durable.

To help choose your carpet underlay, there are three important questions to consider.

Does it meet Australian Standards for quality?

It’s important that your underlay meets Australian Standards for quality (AS 4288-2003). That’s because underlay is what makes carpet softer and more comfortable under your feet. Whatever thickness and density you choose will determine how comfortable you feel in your home. So, every millimetre counts.

Is it allergy-free?

To prevent allergies and asthma in your household, it’s crucial to choose an underlay that is treated with antimicrobial protection to reduce mould, mildew and bacteria. You should also make sure that the underlay meets strict criteria on VOC emissions for superior indoor air quality.

Is it responsibly sourced?

Foam underlay is 100% recyclable and made from recycled materials. It’s made using underlay from other homes and foam from the bedding and furnishing industry, which is cleaned, sorted and ultimately recycled into new reusable underlay. This process plays a crucial role in reducing landfill and protecting our environment.

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